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What if there was an ancient healing method that could connect you to a greater power and to your spiritual gifts with ease?

Reiki level 2 training is a gift you make to yourself.

It is going to bring you closer to your Spirit and all her Gifts, healing powers, inner peace and talents.

ONLY $147 USD 
Enroll Now

Become a certified Reiki Usui Practitioner and start increasing your income serving others on a deep level! 

  • Own your worth.

  • Face and heal your past and ancestral traumas.

  • Expand energetically so you can hold more abundance in your life.

  • Serve others on a soul level bringing them Love and Healing.

Expand your energy body

Set your own heart and Soul on fire with Divine Love and passion.

Gain wisdom.

Unlock your magic

Communicate more effectively with your guides, develop your healing powers. 

Activate your Life Purpose

Be guided to a deeper layer, of your life purpose. Find the courage to share your Light and Talents with humanity.

Purify your past,

your space and 

your vibration !

Rise with EASE into Divine POWER and ABUNDANCE as you learn how to use the Reiki 2 Sacred Symbols to treat yourself and others.

  • Connect to your heart song and feel your heart healing.

  • Alchemize with Reiki Symbol 2 the emotional trauma trapped in your body.

  • Align with ease to your heart desires and manifest quicker with Reiki symbol 1.

  • Clear your house or any other space from negativity

  • Clear the deep wounding from past lives, cellular-level baggage and karmic patterns with Reiki symbol 3.

  • ONLY $147 USD 
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    awaken inner healer

    Reiki level 2 

    What if you could:

    • enhance your treatments?
    • give the energy more specific objectives?
    • cross the barriers of space and time?

    The 3 sacred Reiki symbols will travel in your secret toolbox with you day and night to support you in transmuting low vibration like a magician! 

    You will learn in this course:

    -How to apply the symbols

    -How to use each one of the 3 traditional symbols

    -How to perform a remote healing

    -How to clear spaces with a non traditional symbol

    -How to reprogram the subconscious mind with positive though

    ONLY $147 USD 
    Complete the order

    So what you will get ?

    🌹A kickstart video Activation

    🌹Reiki 2 recorded full course

    🌹Reiki 2 pdf course

    🌹A video where I show you step-by-step how to do a distant healing

    🌹1 x 50 minute Reiki “not good enough” Clearing video

    🌹PM support for 6 weeks, Up to 10 minutes per week

    🌹Reiki 2 Sacred Attunement - Live 1 to 1


    ONLY $147 USD 
    I'm ready to rise up
    develop your business intuition superpower

    About me ?

    ​I am the CEO and founder of Isis Spirit, a business I started in 2019, dedicated to providing personal development tools and accelerating the spiritual growth of hundreds of talented persons.

    I specialize in helping visionaries, leaders, change makers and healers​ to reconnect to their Inner voice so they can create from their most passionate interests and nature. Once your connection to the gut instincts and intuition has been established and you can follow it with confidence, you become a game-changing leader. 

    I invite you to develop your intuition and uncover your gifts by aligning with your Authentic Self.

    I will share all you have to know about Reiki Energy and guide you to intuitively use it to create a meaningful life for yourself.

    ONLY $147 USD 
    Sign me in!

    Here are few of my clients experience after Reiki Activations

    "Way too delicious..."

    I didn’t know where it would get me and I really learned a lot about myself and that other people can value and see me. And it gives me so much faith in other people…

    Leslie - Healer

    USA, Florida

    "Way too delicious..."

    Feeling so clear and whole right now. Thank you so much for guiding me on such a profound experience, Isis. Eternally grateful to you.



    "Way too delicious..."

    Working with Isis was more than a joy, it was a life altering experience. Her compassionate style would put anyone at ease and her content was so powerful it was like drinking in consciousness with the velocity of a fire hose. She is a very rare find indeed! Loved every minute of my time with her!

    Marko - Vegan chef

    USA, Austin

    "Way too delicious..."

    Some of the highlights for me were …meeting my Higher Self and then taking that vision with me .. and using it to facilitate some wonderful breakthroughs 

    Bella - Graphic designer


    "Way too delicious..."

    Before all of this I thought I had some sense of spirituality but I honestly didn’t. I never took enough time to really look inside of me and figure out who Kyle is and what that means and what my life looks like, all these concepts are completely new to me…

    Kyle - Artist and performer

    USA, California

    "Way too delicious..."

    Our session catalyzed one of the most beautiful and natural energy flows I’ve experienced. Your words and your guidance absolutely moved me. I saw the world differently...Your words and you were with me during my ceremony. “I don’t have to do anything,” I kept saying to myself...I am so very grateful to have crossed paths with you.



    ONLY $147 USD 
    Start now!

    Message me

    +52 1 442 324 1216

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    Frequently asked questions...

    How many levels are there to the Reiki training?

    In the Usui / Tibetan system of Reiki I taught, there are four levels. These include one, two, Advanced and Master.

    Who can learn to do Reiki?

    Reiki is a very simple technique to learn and is not dependent on one having any prior experience with healing, meditation or any other kind of training. It has been successfully learned by over one million people from all walks of life, both young an old. The ability to do Reiki is simply transferred from the teacher to the student through a process called an attunement that takes place during a Reiki class.

    Is Reiki a Religion?

    Although Reiki energy is spiritual in nature, Reiki is not a religion. Practitioners are not asked to change any religious or spiritual beliefs they may have. They are free to continue believing anything they choose and are encouraged to make their own decisions concerning the nature of their religious practices.

    What is a Reiki attunement?

    A Reiki attunement is the process by which a person receives the ability to give Reiki treatments. The attunement is administered by the Reiki Master during the Reiki class. During the attunement, I will touch the students hands and use one or more special breathing techniques. The attunement energies will flow through me and into the student. These special energies are guided by the Higher Power and make adjustments in the students energy pathways and connect the student to the source of Reiki. Because the energetic aspect of the attunement is guided by the Higher Power, it adjusts itself to be exactly right for each student. During the attunement, some students feel warmth in the hands, others may see colors or have visions of spiritual beings. However, it is not necessary to have an inner experience for the attunement to have worked.

    Your guide for a more intuitive life.

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